NamasteAi Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job Description:

Job Description:

A Podiatrist is a medical professional who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and preventing foot and ankle disorders. They work with patients of all ages to address various podiatric issues, ranging from minor ailments to serious conditions.


  • Conduct thorough examinations to diagnose foot and ankle problems
  • Develop treatment plans tailored to patients' specific needs
  • Perform surgical procedures, if necessary, to correct foot deformities or injuries
  • Prescribe orthotics, medications, or other treatment options
  • Monitor and follow up with patients to track progress and adjust treatment as needed
  • Educate patients on proper foot care practices
  • Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care

Skill Sets:

  • Strong diagnostic skills
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Good hand-eye coordination for surgical procedures
  • Knowledge of medical technologies and treatment options
  • Empathy and patience when working with patients





Attention to details Interpersonal Skillls
Job Information
  • Career Level:

    Middle Level
  • Location:

    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Job Type:

    Full Time
  • Experience:

    4 Yrs - 6 Yrs
  • Qualifications:

    Master Degree
  • Salary:

  • Date posted:

    17th September 2024

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